1 Now write an e_mail

2007-08-26 7:09 am
Now write an e_mail to a friend or relative.Tell him/her what you plan to do this summer. You cam use the guidelines below to help ypu.


How are you?School finishes next week.I'm planning to do lots of thing this summer.Let me tell you about my plans.

Write about three things you plan to do. Write about one thing in each paragraph.


回答 (1)

2007-08-26 8:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
Write an email volume 1 (卷一) ~

Dear Mary,
How are you? Our lessons (課堂) will finish next week. I am planning to do lots of things during (在) this Summer holidays. Let me tell you my plans.
Firstly (首先), I would like to finish all the homeworks as soon as possible (盡快). Afterwards (然後), I will spend hours in the library daily (每天). I know that my English is poor (差) and thus (所以) I will read many many English books. Of course (當然), I will jote (記下) notes (筆記) and look up (查考) the unknown (不知名的) vocabulary (詞彙) from dictionary (字典). In this case (如此這般), I believe (相信) that I can improve (改善) my English by the end of the holidays. Haha...
Besides (此外), I will help my mother to do some houseworks (家務). Mother needs to go to work in the daytime (日間). She is tired (疲倦的) enough (夠晒). I surely (肯定) know that. I hate (憎恨) myself of such a lazy bone (懶骨頭).
In addition (再者), I will spend (用) some (一些) times (時間) to go swimming and to play basketball (籃球). You know? I need to become (變得) a bit (一點兒) taller (高d). Sports (運動) can be helpful (有助) to my growth (生長).
Trust me (相信我)! I will give out all my effort (拿出所有力量) to fulfill (達到) this Summer plans.

Write an email volume 2 (卷二) ~ 《寫埋喺喱頁啦!都結尾ending 咯》
How about you? (妳呢) What plans do you have for the Summer? I In my opinion (觀感), you work so hard (勤奮). I do (真的) admire (羨慕) you as (因為) you are such an energetic (有動力的) person.
I have to (需要) go to bed now. Write to me if you have time. Let ' s chat (傾偈) later on (遲些).
Have a great Summer!

Best regards (此致),
your name

2007-08-28 00:42:42 補充:
volume 2 內的 energetic 也解作「積極的」(adj) ,用來形容性格,是個好正面的字彙,記咗佢啦。

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