High School Musical 1 song!!

2007-08-26 4:04 am
我想要High School Musical 1 的song:
1.Breaking Free
2.We're all in this together
3.What I've been looking for
4.When there was me and you
5.I can't take my eyes off you

請send to me by email:michellesnwong@yahoo.com.hk

回答 (3)

2007-08-30 1:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
5.I can't take my eyes off you
參考: foxy,youtube
2007-08-29 5:42 pm
you can go to this website:www.cxmp3.com/special7721.htm
2007-08-28 3:03 am
可以用foxy down

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