CE level Biology

2007-08-26 2:48 am
A person's blood takes a long time to clot. This may be due to a diet lacking in
A. Iron
B. Calcium ion
C. Vitamin A
D. Vitamin C

i choose B but my friend said that while Vitamin C help to heal wounds so the ans is D so i dun no which answer is correct

回答 (3)

2007-08-26 9:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
Cofactors of blood clotting:
Calcium and phospholipid (a platelet membrane constituent) are required for the tenase and prothrombinase complexes to function.... Calcium is also required at other points in the coagulation cascade.
Vitamin K
冇話係Vitamin A 或 C, 所以, 答案係 B. Calcium ion
2007-08-26 4:21 am
B, calcium ion is a fat of clotting. clotting is important then heal wound.

2007-08-25 20:23:43 補充:
sorry, I want to type "a fator".
2007-08-26 2:53 am
vitamin c helps to make blood planet
參考: bio 書

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