銀行問題 - 去銀行做 mark good ,

2007-08-26 2:41 am
mark good 是否可以check 到開票公司有無錢, 可以扣起對方公司的錢嗎...

回答 (2)

2007-08-27 5:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
You cna good to the bank of your drawer of the cheque to mark good the cheque. If their bank has suficient money, the cheque will be presented by giving a chop at the back of the cheque. If not, the bank will return the cheque to you with comment of "refer to the drawer".
2007-08-26 3:09 am
基本上如果你去到對方俾你張支票的發票銀行做mark good,該銀行就會先對支賬戶口資料,一般都要少少時間,如果銀碼大的話就要等耐d添.如果戶口有錢而票又無問題的話,銀行就會扣對方的錢,而你一般可以選擇打本票或者做Chats提錢...不過要留意間間銀行的收費都唔同,而做chats係有時間限制添.

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