chem equation (10 marks!!)

2007-08-26 2:31 am
fizzy drink tablets and powder contain a solid acid (usually citric acid ) and sodium hydrogencarbonate.
When dissolved in water, the solid acid ionizes to form H+(aq) ions, which react with the sodium hydrogencarbonate. there is effervescence, carbon dioxide gas being given off
H+(aq)+ HCO3- (aq) ----> CO2(g)+ H2O(l)
點解sodium 果d 唔見哂??? 我唔係好明呢條equation , 唔該解釋一下

同埋想問下 partial ionize 同 complete ionize 係咩意思 thx

回答 (2)

2007-08-26 4:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
呢條係ionic equation
Na+ 唔係度既原因係因為佢冇參與到個reaction~
個reaction主要係同hydrogen ion同埋hydrogencarbonate ion.
係acid-base reaction入面,果d附帶既metal ion通常唔會寫~
因為科學家天主係懶人 有咁簡單得咁簡單!

patial ionize又可以叫做slightly ionize~
即係一種酸或者鹼 佢既H+ or OH- 唔係完全離解 (dissociate)
換句話說 例如 CH3COOH 佢係一隻弱酸
因為佢既離解能力較低 所以只有部分H+出到黎 酸性就冇complete ionize咁高啦~

complete ionize呢~ 代表接近完全離解 轉換成H+同埋佢anion
所以能夠complete ionize 既acid同base 就叫strong acid同strong base
參考: 自己
2007-08-26 4:25 am
因為呢條係ionic equation,而Na+係soluble的...so顯示唔到...if個個係Ca2+架話...就會顯示到.
例如:Na2CO3咁...因為Na係soluble,,,so係ionic equation度就會顯示CO3 2-...
but,,CaCO3,,,因為Ca係insoluble,,,,so係ionic equation度就會顯示CaCO3...

我勸你不如睇下邊d metal係邊個condition會soluble或insoluble較好d...因為d metal裊奇怪的唔同ge condition會有唔同ge reaction的!!其實呢d你從書中會搵到的!!

partly ionize 同 completely ionic 係指acid或alkali substance溶落水的反應..

acid:partly ionze means that the H+ is not fully ionize,,the concentrate of H+ is low.
The meaning of completely ionize is just the opposite of the partly ionize!!
For example, HCL is a strong acid because it completely ionize in water and it conducts electricity better than the weak acid ,CH3COOH.
alkali:partly ionze means that the OH- is not fully ionize,,the concentrate of OH- is low.
The meaning of completely ionize is just the opposite of the partly ionize!!
For example, NaOH is a strong alkali because it completely ionize in water and it conducts electricity better than the weak alkali ,NH4+.

希望help到u la...

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