
2007-08-26 12:04 am
부탁말씀 드립니다…꼭좀 지켜주세요…

1,피아노는 무대 정 중앙에 놓아 주시고 희아가 연주할 때 손이 보일수 있게 무대쪽으로 약간 틀어주세요 조율후 먼지를 깨긋이 닦아주세요
(조율의 수치는442 or 443 정도로 하시면 됩니다.)

2.피아노 의자는 꼭 2개를 준비해 주셔서 듀엣으로 연주할수 있게 해주세요.

3.희아가 피아노 의자에서 내려와서 피아노 앞쪽에서 노래를 합니다.. 이때 조명이 희아를 핀 조명으로 비춰주시면 됩니다..
그래서 피아노 연주할 때 조명과, 노래할때 조명을 같이 준비하셔야 됩니다.

回答 (3)

2007-08-26 8:31 am
✔ 最佳答案

1.請將鋼琴放在正中央, Heeah演奏時能讓大家看見她的手, 請以舞台那邊略微進入;


(調律的數值在442 或 443 程度便可以了.)

2.鋼琴的椅子必須準備2張, 以便在duet(二重奏)時能演奏.

3. Heeah在鋼琴椅子上降落以便在鋼琴側邊唱歌...這時燈光放出照著Heeah這樣子就可以了..

參考: my kr knowledge
2007-08-26 12:09 am
Entrusting speech give and certainly petty to defend $$ln 1, pianos put in the stage affection center and they give and when huy the baby playing, when there is a possibility the hand being visible with the stage piece some to turn after tuning the sesame kus to wipe the dust (shame of tuning is done at 442 or 443 degree.) 2. piano chairs prepare 2 things certainly and give and from tyu do as a favor it will be able to play with Es and. It descends from 3. huy baby piano chairs and song from the piano front.. This time when the illumination huy Oh to shed light becomes with pin illumination.. It will be like that and when the piano playing, when illumination and song doing, it prepares an illumination together and it becomes.

下面個網址, 可以翻譯好多其它國家ge 文字 tim ga, 幾好用ga....
2007-08-26 12:08 am
Entrusting speech give and certainly petty to defend $$ln 1, pianos put in the stage affection center and they give and when huy the baby playing, when there is a possibility the hand being visible some to turn after tuning the sesame kus to wipe the dust with the stage piece (shame of tuning at 442 or 443 degree is done.) 2. piano chairs prepare 2 things certainly and give and from tyu do as a favor it will be able to play with Es and. It descends from 3. huy baby piano chairs and song from the piano front.. This time when the illumination huy Oh to shed light becomes with pin illumination.. It will be like that and when the piano playing, when illumination and song doing, it prepares an illumination together and it becomes.

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