✔ 最佳答案
步驟如下 :
get some money
go to 匯豐銀行 with you ID card
open an account in 匯豐銀行
apply an ATM card from 匯豐銀行
匯豐銀行 will send your card to you by post
wait for the card at home
once received, open the 信封
take your card with you
go out of your home
go to a place where there is a 匯豐銀行入數機
open the gate
walk towards the 機
Stand probably
take out your card
insert your card
key in your code
select account
take back your card
put it well
put the money inside
2007-08-25 14:32:29 補充:
夠詳細未 ?