
2007-08-25 9:52 pm

回答 (2)

2007-08-29 12:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
你有無足夠工具? 你所指做一塊電路板, 是指???
電路板分:1. 印刷電路底板, 需要很多設備. 2. 萬用底板, 需要用電烙鐵焊接線. 3. 麵包板, 只需插線.
簡單D, 可以到電子零件行選購一些套件, 已包零件, 印刷電路底板, 只需有電烙鐵便可, 複雜和簡單都有, 價錢由廿零蚊至幾百蚊都有.
1. http://www.weclonline.com/tchi/productcat2.asp?mc_code=08&sc_code=008
2. http://www.comebetter.com.hk/
3. http://www.learn-electronics.com/product.php?p_typeid=2&page=9

2007-08-29 17:13:56 補充:
你若想用套件, 到羈寮街華輝有很多音樂門鐘選擇, 那裏亦有很多電路製作的書.
2007-08-27 5:19 am
very simple

it is simple circuit, all u need is a transformer (220v to around 10v-15v), 2 e-Cap (~1000uF, 25v), 2 ceramic cap (0.01uF, 25v) and a power regulator IC (78xx, xx is the voltage, say if u need 5v you need 7805), this can also be used as one of the tool in your future study

a NE555 IC and a few cap and resistor, can be used to control simple on/off application if you add some driver circuit of small relay

2 transistors, few cap and resistor can generate audio frequency.

you can find the above circuit in the internet...

2007-08-29 11:12:23 補充:
you have the answer already before posting the question, do you?

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