French Translation

2007-08-25 9:39 pm
Hi All,

Translates the following sentences in English or Chinese pls, Thanks!!

je suis caroline, c'est mon nom suis contente de te connaitre.mais je ne sais pas la quelle langue tu veux etudier,le francais ou le chinois?

je te demande de dire en detail,ok?

bonne journee

回答 (3)

2007-08-25 10:11 pm
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xxxx (dire這個我不知解甚麼)
2007-08-27 5:58 am
I am Caroline. This is my French name. I am happy to know you. But I do not know which language you want to study, French or Chinese?

I ask you to say it in details, okay?

Have a nice day.

2007-08-27 17:25:38 補充:
把"c'est mon nom francais" 釋作"這個是我媽媽,她是法國人" and "bonne journee" 釋作"一路順風" 是完全錯誤的!
te demande de dire是一個很普通的construction...
2007-08-26 12:50 am
我係卡羅琳, 係我法文名, 我好高興認識你, 但我唔知你想學乜語言, 法文或中文?

我問你講出細節, ok?

bonne journée! Good day! 一個好的日!

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