「LCD 液晶體電視」vs「Plasma 等離子電視」兩者那一款較皆呢?

2007-08-25 12:09 pm
「LCD 液晶體電視」vs「Plasma 等離子電視」

何解原廠「日本製造」的「Plasma 等離子電視」會有五年保養期呢?

回答 (3)

2007-08-25 12:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你好! 呢個問題問得好! 問九叔就再好不過.

根據我從事電視產品多年, 選購電視亦係我專長之一.

LCD 液精睇電視, 顧名思義, 係俾LCD 液精去睇, 出局!
Plasma 等離子電視, 由於啟動此電視時, 必須等侯離子時間很長, 亦不建議購買.





何解原廠「日本製造」的「Plasma 等離子電視」會有五年保養期呢?

不用多說, 原廠「日本製造」的「Plasma 等離子電視」在日本原廠存放了4年零360天了...
2008-05-03 3:30 am
樓上稱自己是九叔既兄台 , 佢講啲答案簡直是不知所謂 , 又話LCD電視唔得 , 要 out 出局 , Plasma 不建議購買 , 咁即係點呀 ? 九哥 ! 你要我地睇番以前啲大牛龜顯象管電視(CRT) 嗎 ? 或是要我地等多二十多三十年後再有新一代電視發明後才買嗎 ? 九哥講啲答案有講等於無講 , 廢話一道 , 又說佢自己從事電視產品多年, 選購電視亦係佢專長之一 , 我都服左你 o羅 ! 自已為是 , 九哥 ! 收皮啦 ..........
2007-08-25 9:51 pm
In fact, the LCD use pixels to produce image. Plasma uses some material (+/-) to produce image (I am not really sure whether it use +/- and make static electric to produce image or not.) So, they are totally different.

In fact, Plasma is more expensive than LCD, LCD is much cheaper.
LCD has longer life than Plasma, so LCD has more benefit than Plasma TV. But, LCD is too bright.

I think the LCD TV's maintenance fee will be cheaper.
If you want to know about the Japanese Made Plasma TV's guarantee, actually it has no different with the TV made in other countries. But, the TVis made in Japan, and the brand (Company of the brand) give you guarantee that they will give you free repair if your TV was broken down (but if the TV is broken down because of human mistake, usually they won't give any service.
參考: Me

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