
2007-08-25 9:43 am
由於女女之前肚痀入醫院,安排照肺,後來發現肺有個影,後來安排再返去照肺,依然有個影,大小一樣,醫生就安排女女照電腦掃瞄,她到時只有10個月大,唔知會唔會有咩問題或effect, 因為照之前要比d藥佢食先之後要打支針等佢瞓覺, 本身佢有濕診同食魚會敏感,唔知藥物會否對佢有影響, 因為佢甘細過又唔識同我講,依家15/16同唔同佢照好。佢又無咩點咳同好活躍。

回答 (1)

2007-08-26 2:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think the CT scan is a very good and accurate examination to see the chest of your small little girl.
The medicine等佢瞓覺is very safe. Just like sleeping pills for adult. There is no reported relation to IQ or brain development!
診同食魚會敏感,唔知藥物會否對佢有影響: In general, the risk of drug allergy to the sleeping drug used for your young little girl is extremely safe.
If I were the father, I will also let my child to have the investigation if she has similar condition.
Don't be too worry! Better have accurate CT examination to see anything wrong.

參考: doctor

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