髕骨軟骨軟化症 (chondromalacia patella)

2007-08-25 9:36 am
上個月(7月份)工傷碰撞到膝部, 膝痛到現在差不多兩個月, 曾做了十一次物理治療, 並在8月頭曾復工數天.(被醫生建議2個月輕工, 但公司暫時安排不到輕工) 復工之後膝痛情況惡化. 再求診骨科醫生, 被建議做MRI. 剛收到MRI report, 證實患了Early chondromalacia patella. 請問此症是否只可靠物理治療和食藥而治療? 什麼情況下會被建議做手術?

以下是MRI 報告 impression 部分:
Early chondromalacia patella
Small bone island in the lateral femoral condyle
Slight soft tissue oedema anterior to the patellar tendon

請有經驗或專業人士回答這個問題, 感激萬分! (請不要copy網上資料, 因已曾閱讀過)

回答 (1)

2007-08-28 8:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
When fail all sort of non-operative treatment, surgical treatments is last resort, it include:

Arthroscopy: The surgeon removes fragments of damaged kneecap cartilage through a small incision, using a pencil-sized instrument (arthroscope).

Realignment: The surgeon opens the knee structure and realigns the kneecap, reducing abnormal pressure on cartilage and supporting structures around the front of the knee
參考: orthopaedic specialist, American Academy of orthopaedic Surgeon

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