✔ 最佳答案
1. after verbs of perception ( SEE, WATCH, HEAR, LISTEN TO, FEEL, SMELL....)
EG1: Someone saw the robbers "RUN" out of the bank
o係呢個例子入邊, 因為someone saw 係perception, 所以run 就會係BARE INFINITIVE
2.after let and make
EG2: let him COME in now
His description made the story SOUND believable
let me going ? F
let me to go ? F
let me go? T
The gerund is a verb ending in ing . It performs as a noun.
1.as a subject
EG3: Reading is me hobby
2.as a object of a verb
EG4:we all enjoy READINF a good book
NOTE: verbs that a gerund as object include:
admit, avoid, consider,delay,dislike,enjoy,fancy,FINISH,imagine, keep, mind, miss, postpone, prevent, risk, stand, suggest, practise, etc
3.after a preposition
EG5:she is fond of reading
EG6:we look forward to seeing you
而至於幾時用gerund 幾時用to infinitive
有時兩者係同一個意思, 即係兩個都用得
EG7:they don't allow parking here/ they don't allow us to park here
to try/trying, stop/stoping.....仲有幾個
2007-08-25 00:51:12 補充:
第一個人ge 答案入邊話i have to finish my homeworkverb to verb 係有目的,so就add to 我想話have to 係modal verbs, 完全唔關事, 唔係佢所講ge 咩加唔加to同 i should finish my homeworkmodal verbs 後邊o個個都係叫bare infinitive
2007-08-25 22:02:44 補充:
加ing 只不過係將動詞名詞化用o係perfect 同simple ( active/ passive) 都得
2007-08-25 22:03:02 補充:
simple active :she doesn't mind doing extra worksimple passive:she doesn't mind being given extre workperfect active: he admitted having disclosed the secretperfect passive: he admitted having been beaten by some of his classmates
2007-08-25 22:03:09 補充:
即係無論佢之前個verbs 係咩tense都好, 後邊都係一樣咁加ing, 加左ing, 佢就唔係verb, 佢係一個動名詞, 你可以當名詞咁用