Crystal Meth?

2007-08-25 12:44 am
I'm having a bit of a debate with my partner. He came home last night obviously high. The telltale signs were all there. He was chewing his face up and had dilated pupils. So I asked him what drug he had taken. And he told me that he had a bucket bong laced with "speed". Now in my experience I have never come across anyone who laces weed with speed. This morning after thinking about it for a bit, I asked him whether it was speed or ice and he told me it was "Crystal Meth", but says that it wasn't ice, even though ice is methamphetamine he is maintaining that it was speed. Can speed be smoked like ice can? And also, do you think that a friend would offer you a laced bucket bong without telling you it was laced. I'm really quite concerned about this, as ice is such a dangerous drug and he is just playing down using it. What should I say to him? Or do to get him to see that I am worried?
I know 4 questions in one, but you get my drift..........

Just to clarify. I am a recovering addict when it comes to uppers. I know that these drugs are dangerous, and have seen many friends and family fall on the way side.

回答 (11)

2007-08-25 12:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
Get out now before he drag you down with him.
2007-08-25 7:49 am
you dont need to be around any1 who does drugs anyway
2007-08-25 8:26 am
kick hiz azz 2 da curb
2007-08-25 7:56 am
I don't think you can smoke speed, whoever his "friend" was, is not his friend. Ask him "do you want to live to see:fill in the blank with what is important to him". If it was meth (or even if it wasn't), find one of those websites where they show you before and after pictures of people who do meth and how fast it turns you into a ugly putrid looking troll with no teeth and sores all over your face. He needs help, i wish you luck.
2007-08-25 7:54 am
You SHOULD be worried;
Put your foot down. He quits the junk, or you split.

He's certainly not going to lift you up with his drug usage, and you will waste the best years of your life . The stuff IS addictive; he's had it, he can't quit.
I don't care how much you love this junkie, he's not worth wasting your life on at this point.

Oh, and just remember; he CANNOT love two women at the same time. The one he loves right now is called Crystal. That's NOT you, is it?
2007-08-25 7:52 am
wow. I really don't think it matter what you do. but hear me out--he is jacked up. he needs some help getting OFF of drugs. And chances are, if you are not already, you too will end up involved with it. and the question you must ask yourself is this: is this the kind of live you desire to live? Is he the kind of guy you would listen to you if you shared your heart's concerns? If he is, he will listen, if not, WHY ARE YOU WITH HIM?
參考: me
2007-08-25 7:52 am
I could be wrong, but I thought ice is meth...
Crystal meth is speed... ice is speed.
Even if there is a slight chemical difference and I am mistaken, I do FOR SURE that they are both dangerous drugs... very dangerous.
The fact that your partner wants to play games about the "name" of the drug.. is ridiculous... What does he know about crystal meth... obviously not much if he tried to sell you on the idea that it is a safe drug....
INJECTING drug users who have turned to the methamphetamine known as ice were more likely to be heavy, problematic users than those who took ecstasy as well as ice, new research has found.

The findings dispel the myth that all ice users get into trouble, although the study noted that the drug continued to place a significant burden on front-line police and health-care workers.

The use of ice, also known as crystal meth, first peaked in 2001 at the height of the so-called heroin drought, the Illicit Drug Reporting System found. The reporting system monitors the price, purity and availability of several illegal drugs.

I start looking for another place to live... Don't wait until it gets crazier.
參考: a recovering dope fiend.
2007-08-25 7:52 am
Oh my god!!! Ok first of all yes you can smoke speed and ice,speed, meth, glass, all that crap is the same. Second off if he took a gravity bong (that's what we call bucket bongs) hit of meth he would be f*cked up for a couple of days. Was it pot laced with meth or just straight meth? Also you need to be sooooo careful that he doesn't do it again because that crap is sooooooooo addicting, and you can get hooked after smoking it once. So i would keep a really close eye on him. Also i don't think his friend could have secretly laced a bowl with out him knowing. He would smell it and know. That is bad news hun you really really need to keep a close eye on your man, because you don't want a tweeker for a bf. Those are the worst. I live in California so i know about those they are everywhere ewww.
2007-08-25 7:51 am
No matter what drug is it, taking drugs is not right, if you care about him, tell him to get therapy and quit taking drugs. If you don't care about him, just cut him lose, it doesn't worth the time and the effort.
2007-08-25 7:49 am
It sounds a bit dodgy, I would suggest you do something quick, hasnt he seen tghe ads that are on tv about these drugs?

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