What will my parents think about my older man?

2007-08-25 12:23 am
I am 25 and have been dating a man who is 48. We have been together for a year and all my friends love him, but I still haven't told my parents. I'm just worried about their reaction. I'm trying to predict what they might say. Do any parents out there have any advice?

回答 (4)

2007-08-25 12:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
You have to think really carefully, you probably won't have a problem when you're 25 and he's 48, he'll be mature, knowlegeable and finacially secure. Ask yourself when he's 60 and you're in your beautiful 37 will you be still okay? If you truly love a person, then I would say it doesn't matter. Tell you parent honestly, I'm sure they'll accept him.
2007-08-25 7:52 am
he's too old for u....think about when u r 50.. he'll be old...lol
try to find the guy around 7 yrs apart..that's my advise.. girl..
2007-08-25 7:40 am
If you are sure he's the right man for you and you love him than there is no thing to be afraid of .
Good luck!
2007-08-25 7:34 am
They will hate him. He is in their age range. He will Identify with your parents more than yourself.
If you REALLY like this 'cat', I suggest he remain a secret, or you and your parents may wind up not talking again, till they are old and grey.

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