my husband might be cheating, and i need his email password..?

2007-08-24 11:36 pm
i really think he is cheating and i need to break into his email- what should i do to get the password

he has a computer that i cannot get to at work that he emails on

回答 (13)

2007-08-24 11:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Maybe install one of those keystroke softwares onto your computer. It records everything written on the computer.
2007-08-24 11:55 pm
Instead of "breaking" into his email, why don't you ask him face to face? And if he denies it, ask him for the password; if he has nothing to hide, he'll give it to you and you can go look.....

be prepared to apologize if he's not.
2007-08-24 11:59 pm
wow...ok..what Im going to say is kinda biblical so forgive me. When you get married...God says the husband cleaves to his wife...and they become one flesh. Honesty is a huge part of being cleaved/married. You can get a password, bust him and then he'll change it and holler about being in his business. For my husband and I, there is no 'email that he cant see' or voicemail I cant check. The world promotes that husbands and wives be separate and dont 'invade each other's privacy' but thats a bunch of crap (xcuseme) and its not biblical. If you are Christians (or call yourself so) I encourage you to study the Word as it relates to married couples and the oneness that it entails. Dishonesty hides sin..honesty exposes all things to light. It doesnt mean that you handle each other like police investigators, it means that you give each other a constant assurance that there is nothing to hide and if you ever thought there was..then its ok to check because ultimately, you want each other to know that you love each other and if quelling fears or anxieties means checking email now and again...then be understanding of that person's fears and work through it together.


2016-05-17 6:55 pm
Just ask him who he is having an affair with. If he says no one then tell him you want to see the email account asap. Let him know that if he is lying that it will cost so much in the long run that telling the truth is going to make it easier on both of you. Don't stoop to his level, just be up front and direct. If you really want to know you will get to the bottom of it, but remember it will be the same as eavesdropping and you might not like what you find.
2007-08-25 4:48 am
Forget about the password. If he is cheating, he has to do it somewhere and that is not going to be at work.

Get a GPS recorder and put it his car. Every minute or so It will record where the car has been at all times within ten feet with maps. For more money you can get a GPS recorder that transmits his location in real time. When the car stops somewhere such as in the woods, at a hotel, apartment, or house, you can drive right to the car and see for yourself what, if anything, is going on.
2007-08-25 1:50 am
First off if you even have the inclination he's cheating, that means there more than likely is no longer any trust in this relationship.

I know when I found out my now ex-husband was cheating it was more than I could handle.
I came home and his e-mail was open because he was too drunk to close it, when the screen saver diminished there she was legs spread and foreign object inserted in "you know where".. it really was more than I was prepared and I didn't even "hack" into his account.

It turned out my assumption was right, but I realized at that point that counseling etc was not going to help, nevermind the fact he refused.
What I also realized is that by the time I got the assumption he was cheating, not only was he cheating but it meant that I no longer trusted him and the relationship became a very very very bad situation.

My advice is to really dig into your feelings and what is going on that makes you feel this way.
Do you think you really have a good reason?
Maybe it's not his email info you need but a break or counseling to find out.

You could sit down and have a heart to heart, but usually most people will deny an affair if there is one present.

Good luck to you, i'm sorry your in the situation where you feel this is a possibility, it really sucks.

Was this person a cheater before you married?

When it comes down to so called doing behaviors as far as his e-mail, if it is a company e-mail it may be propriatary info meaning you may hurt yourself legally by opening this email.
It is possible and can be done, however is it worth that much?

usually you just need to know the imap info to get in and his un/pw but without that it's not like these freebe emails where you need birth/zip etc.
2007-08-25 1:23 am
It is easy to tell if a spouse is cheating without breaking into their email, you don't need his password. I knew my ex-wife was cheating but did not want to face the truth. If there is that much distrust that you feel you should break into his email then you have a serious problem anyway. If you think he is cheating then chances are he is. Without trust you have no long lasting relationship. You know deep down inside if he is cheating or not. Good luck, forget the email. You don't need to do the wrong thing just because he may be.
2007-08-25 12:28 am
They also have keylogger programs that you can purchase, and attach as a file to send to him at work-
it will arrive in his email as a joke or a picture of some kind and when he clicks on it-
it will install into his computer without him knowing.
From there, you just need to follow whatever
instructions you receive when you purchase the software, and it will allow you to remotely check his computer.
2007-08-24 11:58 pm
First of all, ask yourself what are you going to do if you really find out he's cheating? Fight with him? Forgive him? or file a divorced? If you don't trust him anymore you may want to set some money aside first before you find out the truth. Just in case one day you file divorced make sure you're still finacially secure. If you still love him and plan to forgive him, you don't need to know the truth, just drop him a hint, let him know that if he's cheating it's time to stop... Think twice before you do something.
2007-08-24 11:52 pm
A key logger. but that means that you would need access to his work computer. There is absolutely nothing you can do with the level expertise you have with computers. To do more, you are going to have to get sneaky. If you are a hacker you can hijack his connection and intercept his traffic. But.... umm I doubt that you know how to do that. Maybe you should start looking for some allies at his work place that can help you out? Maybe get a P.I.?

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