How do you confront your husband about internet porn?

2007-08-24 11:24 pm
My friend discovered that her husband had been to a porn sight. He doesn't know that she can check his email, and that is how she found out. He had apparently responded to something he had seen on the sight, directly to someone.

My friend actually asked me to ask this question. I am not interfering. I am not planning on involving myself directly other than to her read these answers.

回答 (19)

2007-08-24 11:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If it's a porn sight, she doesn't have anything to worry about. Most likely he just contacted some one at that site that works as kind of a Phone Porn person does. They are just there to turn their customers on, and nothing more.

If it was a dating site, then she would have to worry.
2007-08-24 11:36 pm
If this is someone else's marriage then you need to stay out of it. PERIOD.

If it were me, I'd want to know whether there was a problem before I said anything to my husband. Why would he be stupid enough to do something like that through his email when she has access?????
2007-08-24 11:33 pm
Stop! You or your 'friend' needs to stop snooping unless you or she is ready to confront and deal with the issue at hand. Why did she start snooping and reading his emails? Are there problems in the marriage? Is she insecure or are there signs? She should confront him about it to get it out in the open, but be ready for the fireworks because she invaded his privacy! If she doesn't feel that he should have a private email or trust him they why be married? Confront him and be ready to deal with the consequences.
參考: almost 20 years in a trustful, communication-driven marriage
2007-08-25 12:27 am
I don't think anyone can avoid their husband going to a porno site. It depends mostly on his attitude towards it. If it's just barely "entertainment" he only watches once a while I don't think it's a big deal. If your friend don't feel comfortable about the corresponding and email, she should discuss openly with him.
2016-07-26 5:55 pm
參考: Watch Hot Girl Alone :
2007-08-25 12:15 am
Tell her to go into Internet Options and click on 'settings' under the temporary Internet Files heading-
that will bring up a page with 2 differnt buttons-
tell her to click on the button that says" 'view files'.
That will take her to the Temporary Internet files page in her computer.
Once there, she can look at all of the sites he has visited-although it may not be the entire page itself- just bits and pieces of pages he has looked at- including photos.

Photos are usually jpegs, and can viewed by double-clicking.
After she has clicked through and checked to see which ones he's looked at- she can then click
on the photo of her choice, and a little box will come up saying it may be unsafe to open- and asking if she still wants to open it- open it anyways-
it's not unsafe and it won't create a problem.

When the picture comes up- tell her to right-click on the picture, and a little box will open asking her what she wants to do with the picture-
tell to click on 'set as background'.
This will immediately make that photo the desktop wallpaper on the computer.
And what a horrifying surprise for her husband when he turns on the computer and realizes that she knows what he's been up to ......

I know someone who did that to their porn-hound husband.
She said that he when saw the desktop background,
he turned all different colors, and looked like a fish our-of-water gasping for air.... while he stuttered and tried to explain-LOL!!!

A few times of being caught- and that nipped it in the bud.
2007-08-24 11:44 pm
Tell her to confront her husband and tell him that he needs to stop and that she will not tollerate it and that's the bottom line. This is only my oppinion here but porn is nothing but gutter garabage and does not give the right image of what love and intimacy between a husband and wife should be. It's bad enough that some men get over obsessed with porn but it's even worse when they respond to something on the sight, directly to someone!! I would say hell no!!.....
2007-08-24 11:43 pm
if your friend is a Believer (follower of Christ) then its easy. To look at another woman, with lust in your heart is adultery according to the Bible. The world will say ahhhh its ok to look, just dont touch! and thats where the addiction to porn finds its place. If she argues from a world perspective he can give all sorts of excuses..."its just for fun, Im not hurting anyone, you arent giving me what I need"..etc. Husbands dont realize that if they dont reserve their eyes for their wives only, they will begin to value their wives less. Your wife doesnt look like the 19 year old on the screen and she shouldnt be expected to. He will unfairly compare her to this 'fantasy' on the screen. If he is feeling unattracted to his wife, the answer is to focus ON his wife. My husband used to have this problem and hear me when I is not a satiable lust. It grows and grows to where they need more and more. Satan will not be satisfied till their marriage is destroyed..thats his goal. My husband was delivered from this problem and now (sometimes to my own chagrin) he's hot for me ALL THE TIME-because I am the source of his lust..and me only. But it all begins with acknowleging that it is a sin, asking forgiveness, and then seeking God to help heal the bondage that comes with sexual sin. It is possible I can testify to that...God did it for my marriage.

2007-08-24 11:36 pm
Um, If I were her, I'd sit in on the situation and then he's either bring it up or leave it alone all together, or just ask? If it's her Husband, whats to hide?
2007-08-24 11:36 pm
Looking at porn is one thing, contacting someone is completely a nutshell he is cheating. And he is pretty brainless to think us women wont find out!! I feel extemely sorry for your friend. But she needs to find out why he felt the need to do this before she decides on what action to take. People find it an easy distraction to turn to porn when things are not quite right in a relationship, and to his stupidity he took it one step further. she needs to tell him exactly what she knows and what she has seen, but in a controled manner. A man will not respond to a screaming woman. she needs to play it cool to get direct, honest answers from him.

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