
2007-08-25 7:59 am
我公司係一間recruitment agency, 現幫一間大型既department store請sales同埋大量telesales, 如有興趣請send resume to [email protected]

回答 (3)

2007-09-01 8:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
how much is the salary gonna be?? and which department store?
i just finished Alevels in England, gonna settle down in Hong Kong, and i wanna find a job...!
2007-08-25 8:52 am
我想搵人做運輸.每個月有(一萬至萬五)[email protected]
2007-08-25 8:04 am
我想搵 Assistant Merchandiser / Merchandiser,你幫到我嗎?

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