what is 序號

2007-08-24 11:49 pm
what is 序號

回答 (3)

2007-08-24 11:57 pm
序號 serial number

1. is the unique identifier for a given certificate.

2. A manufacturer's identification number consisting of three alpha characters plus a six-digit numeric code. The first alpha character is 'X' followed by a two-character dealer code. A serial number appears as XDDnnnnnn, where nnnnnn is a unique number allocated by the dealer.

3. The manufacturer's number to indicate the particular product item which has been acquired. (This may also have an asterisk in the PAS, as described in Model Number.) If the item does not have a serial number, the word "none" is shown in the PAS. If the serial number is not readily accessible, the designation "N/A" is shown.

4. The Serial Number -- somewhere between four and six digits -- is usually located on the metal plate by the tuning pins. For the most part, this number will be easily visible from inside the piano or organ. ...

5. A set of characters that uniquely identifies a single unit and can be used for traceability and warranty purposes. It does not normally refer to the use of a single identifier for a batch or lot composed of multiple units.

6. a unique number assigned to each discrete unit of an item.

7. The number printed on each set of charity game tickets/cards.

8. A serial number is assigned to each copy of the StatLIA program for identification and registration purposes. The serial number of the workstation appears on the first line of the laboratory address on the Laboratory Setup screen and on Laboratory Setup Reports.

9. The serial number is a control or tracking device on all US paper currency. It is located below the left center or above the right center on each bill. No two bills are alike and serve not only as an aid in counting but as a device to minimize counterfeiting.

10. A number assigned by the contractor to uniquely identify like items identified with a specific Government nomenclature. The serial numbers shall be unique, consecutive, and nonduplicating for all items with that specific nomenclature.

11. a number assigned to an asteroid when it is discovered

12. as from the very beginning each single Waltham movement has been engraved with its corresponding consecutive number. The individual numbers of each production batch have been kept in a ledger enabling the identification of each single Waltham movement.

13. A unique identifier that distinguishes a user in the directory from any other user.

14. A serial number is a unique number applied to a product example, as opposed to a model number or type number. Each of a series of identical products has a different serial number. The term strictly applies only to numbers that increase by one for each unit (for example, 060001, 060002, 060003), but usage has expanded the term to refer to any unique alphanumeric identifier for one of a large set of objects.
2007-08-24 11:56 pm
買咗點數之後 , 如果要將 D 點數存去你個帳號 , 就要去http://memberpool.funtown.com.hk/deposit.html ,
選 點數儲值 , 然後選 以序號儲值 , 再輸入你個帳號 , 密碼同點數卡上面個序號 .
序號係一連串嘅英數字 , 好似密碼咁 , 打錯咗冇點數 ga .
2007-08-24 11:52 pm
而把key 就係序號.
參考: myself

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