
2007-08-24 11:33 pm



回答 (2)

2007-08-27 10:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實唔應該考慮用儲蓄計劃去代替 危x險 (我相信是危疾險, 對嗎?) 如果你有留意報紙雜誌, 要醫一個癌病, 都最少要用30萬 (係政府醫院既收費).
萬一我未有30萬, 就有病, 咁邊個幫我比呢?? 又或者, 我岩岩有30萬, 想用d錢去做生意, 或者用d錢去做某d野, 但就有病, 而用晒d儲蓄, 咁會唔會好可惜呢?

所以我覺得應該先安排好所有保障 (如 醫療/ 危疾). 保護左自己既儲蓄先, 先再去做一d資本增值既計劃, 會來得全面.

如果你有興趣,我可以介紹我agent 俾你

[email protected]
2007-08-25 12:58 am
萬用險 have the same function of bank savings.
Deposit and withdrawal is flexible.Moreover there's the insurance coverage.
The disavantage is there is the insurance cost and withdrawal fee.
Therefore, you cannot withdraw much in the early few years.
Besides these four company, Have you consider Sunlife ?

In my opinion, you have to understand your needs .
1. High interest savings. Bank deposit is better.
2. Critical illness & medical protection , Insurance is better.

[email protected]

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