English sentence

2007-08-24 10:38 pm
Could anyone structurally disassemble this sentence for me? Thank you.

Beneath the surface of the ocean luck some of the most deadly warships ever built-submarines.

To all: Can I do this sentence in this way then? Thank you! Some of the most deadly warships ever built--submarines lurk beneath the surface of the ocean.

回答 (3)

2007-08-25 12:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
這句其實用了倒裝法(inversion),而luck是動詞,不過是口語用多,即luck out意思是:走運;交好運;僥幸成功(be lucky or successful);但yahoo字典,卻有多一個意思,湊巧碰上
這句可以寫成:(some of the most deadly warships ever built-submarine) (luck) (beneath the surface of the ocean)
即:(some of....)是subject
  (beneath the surface of the ocean)是adverbial phrase

2007-08-24 17:48:05 補充:
ever-built這個形容詞是用了past participle來做形容詞,可以看為 the most deadly warship submarines that have ever been built,若用中文可說成:史上最厲害的軍艦潛艇
2007-08-26 12:04 am
呢句係倒裝句(inversion),其中一種倒裝法就係將 adverb / adverbial + verb 移去 subject 之前(如 Into the room came John.)。
subject: some of the most deadly warships ever built;ever built 作形容詞用,係一個 participle clause,可視為一句省略o左o既 defining relative clause,呢度o既全寫就如 hahatse 所說:... that/which have ever been built
adverbial: beneath the surface of the ocean
verb: 應該係 lurk(潛伏),講潛艇嘛,唔通成日o係水面咩

注意,submarines 係後補去開故講俾讀者知個 warships 係乜野,所以用左破折號(dash),應有兩個 "--";一個 "-" 係 hyphen。
2007-08-25 12:24 am
Adverbial clause [ Beneath the surface of the ocean ]
Verb [ luck >> lie ]
Subject [ some of the most deadly warships ever built ]
Futher explanation of thoughts, preceded by a dash [ -- submarines]

luck 字該是寫錯了

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