✔ 最佳答案
What is 人工智能芭蕾短裙 and 噴射洛伊德?
I cannot read Chinese cards.
天使的施舍 and 死者蘇生 are forbidden
奧貝利斯克的巨神兵 is illegal
旋風劍 is only for D.Hero out!
強奪 will be forbidden in 1/9/07 be careful!
攻擊封印 ,閃電劍and 機械王·原型out
分痛 and 麻藥out
+翻弄するエルフの剣士X2 Defense
天使的鮮血 and 非常食 and E· HERO泡泡人x1out
代罪羔羊 is limited
伝説の剣 is useless out
+戦士の生還 X2
降雷皇·哈蒙 out You have not enough continuous spell cards!
巨大化 out +団結の力 and 魔導師の力
偉大魔獸·聚變神 all out
黑魔導士 and 黑·魔·導 out
+早すぎた埋葬 and リビングデッドの呼び声
+不意打ち又佐 (2Xattack)
敵人控制器x2 out
+異次元の女戦士X1 and ライトニング ・ ボルテックスX2
再融合and 融合 out
コマンド ・ ナイトX3
2007-08-25 12:51:03 補充:
大盾守護者 has a big problem that if it is attacked, it will be changed into attack positionand its ATK is 100. It will fall easily. D· HERO防守者 is better. Although, it will let your opponent to draw extra card
2007-08-27 12:41:56 補充:
七卡 is useless to you. Out!!