NZD 未入貨...幾時係時機呢? 透過永亨買好唔好呢? 10點呀 !!!!

2007-08-24 4:59 pm
1. NZD 未入貨...幾時係時機呢(乜野價位) ? 透過永亨買好唔好呢? 好似好高息咁喎 ~~

2. 永亨銀行有冇好似 hsbc 咁有入錢機架 ? 如果我想入錢..除左在櫃台之外, 仲有乜方法呢 (我指係在9am-5pm既時間之外) ?

回答 (2)

2007-08-26 8:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think is not bad buy NZD 5.4 to 5.5, cos I saw it before the highest is 6.3,
I think is quite good to buy from wing hung bank, cos their interest and rate
is better than hsbc, I have time deposit account at wing hung bank too~
For example, Hsbc interest rate one month is:6.63, Wing hung bank is:8.07
I think is quite big different!! You can compare with their website:

If you want to after office hour to buy NZD, I think you can use e-banking,
they have e-banking and I heard that is not bad and quite convience,
hope it can help you~ ^^
2007-09-04 9:40 pm
你好,我係一間華資上市投資公司的投資顧問,其實你都睇好外匯嘅前景,可以ADD 我msn 係:[email protected] ,同你交流下意見.

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