10 points chinese writing

2007-08-24 1:45 pm
if you have watch the movie 魔幻王國- 獅子•女巫•魔衣櫥 or the book help me to writing a reading report.
write in chinese

回答 (2)

2007-08-24 5:48 pm
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During the Blitz, the Pevensie children, Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy are evacuated to the country home of Professor Kirke. One day while they are playing hide and seek, Lucy discovers a wardrobe and enters a magical world called Narnia. She spends several hours in the home of the faun Tumnus. Tumnus tells her that, due to a curse, it has been winter in Narnia for the past 100 years, without Christmas. He seems friendly, but, as he later confesses, he planned to hand her over to the evil White Witch, in accordance with her orders that if a human is ever encountered, they must be given to her. However, Tumnus likes Lucy and regrets his plan, so he sends her out of the Wardrobe. When she returns, no time has passed in the normal world during her stay. She makes the other children check the Wardrobe, but the portal is gone. Later, Edmund follows Lucy into Narnia, and meets the White Witch, who offers him Turkish delight as well as the prospect of becoming king. She asks Edmund to bring his siblings to her. After she departs, Edmund and Lucy meet again and they return to tell the others. Edmund does not confirm Narnia's existence to Peter and Susan, saying he was just playing along, causing distress in Lucy and bumping into Professor Kirke. The Professor doesn't understand why the others don't believe Lucy's story, saying, "Well if she isn't mad and isn't lying then logically, she's telling the truth."

On another day, the four siblings hide from housekeeper Mrs. Macready in the wardrobe after breaking a window they all step into Narnia. Peter and Susan apologize for their earlier disbelief and Peter threatens Edmund unless he apologizes to Lucy. They discover Tumnus has been taken by the police and meet talking beavers who tell them about Aslan. According to them, Aslan is on the move to take the control of Narnia from the White Witch. The four siblings must help Aslan and his followers, as has been prophesied. Edmund sneaks off and visits the Witch alone. When he arrives at her castle, she is angry that he did not bring his siblings with him. Edmund is chained in the dungeon and meets Tumnus in an adjacent cell, who is soon turned to stone. She sends a pack of wolves to hunt down the other children and the beavers, who barely escape with the aid of a fox.

While Peter, Lucy, Susan, and the beavers are travelling to the Stone Table, they see what they believe to be the White Witch in her sleigh chasing after them, so they run. But it is really Father Christmas. He gives Lucy a bottle of reviving liquid and a dagger; Susan a bow, a quiver of arrows and a horn; and Peter a sword and shield. Father Christmas informs them that Winter is soon ending. Unfortunately, this means the rivers are thawing, but with their weapons the five escape by crossing a frozen river below a frozen waterfall. Arriving at Aslan's army encampment, they encounter Aslan, who is revealed to be a huge and noble lion. Aslan promises to help Edmund in any way he can. They are also reluctant to participate in a war after fleeing from London. However, they have to save Edmund and Tumnus. Peter joins Aslan's army. A little later, two wolves ambushed Lucy and Susan while they were playing by the river. When Peter intervenes, the head wolf, Maugrim, attacks him, and Peter kills him with his sword. Some of Aslan's troops follow the other wolf, Varden, back to the witch's camp and rescue Edmund
2007-08-25 2:05 am
波文西家的四個小孩子--彼得是大哥,蘇珊是大姊,艾德蒙是弟弟,還有小妹露西--因躲避戰爭而離開倫敦到鄉下的老教授家。某天在玩捉迷藏遊戲時,露西發現一個古老的衣櫥,從衣櫥裡進入一個冰天雪地的奇妙魔法世界「納尼亞王國」。她遇見人羊吐納思先生並在他家裡待了幾小時,人羊告訴她,納尼亞王國被詛咒,已經過了100年冬天,而且沒有聖誕節。原本友善的人羊不久之後就對露西懺悔,原本任何人類都需依規定交給邪惡的白女巫,但和露西成為好友的吐納思已後悔,趕緊送露西離開返回衣櫥裡。當露西回到正常的世界,時間並沒有改變或流逝了幾小時;她要求其他小孩相信她的歷險並檢查衣櫥內部,但入口已經關閉。夜裡,艾德蒙跟蹤露西進入納尼亞,遇見白女巫,以土耳其糖糕(‎Turkish Delight[1])誘惑他,回去再帶兄弟姊妹來見她。老教授在其他人不相信露西時,說了些意味深長的話。





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