
2007-08-24 9:29 am
1: 1980同1909年的英文點寫?
2: 時間既11點9點寫?
3: 頭咕,束髮帶,橡筋英文係??
4: 我地有時用either後就加or,咁點解要用either呢?就咁用or唔得咩??
5: prosibility同probability有咩分別?
6: accommodation,apartment同address有咩唔同?
7: 點分 i had not receive同 i have not receive??
8: this is mr.chan 同this is a dog中,點解dog個到要加a,前句就唔洗? 
9: i wear with ear ring 同i waer in t-shirt 中點分幾時用with同in?
10: does he play the guitar in the afternoon ?no,he doesn't,he plays the accordion中點解可用現在式?同埋係唔係he does 後面個verb 唔洗加s??   


回答 (1)

2007-08-24 11:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 1980=Nineteen eighty, 1909=Nineteen and nine
2. A quarter to twelve
3. hairband, rubber/elastic band
4. This is just formal english grammar, no reason why it should be like this. However, in mathematics, there is a distinction between either-or and just or: 'Either A or B' means just A or just B but cannot be both. 'A or B' means, in the theory of sets, just A, just B or both A and B at the same time.
5. Correct spelling is POSSIBILITY - it means anything whith a chance greater than zero (可能性). PROBABILITY - it means how likely the thing is going to happen (機會率).
6. Accomodation - general term which refers to a place to live (but not referring specifically to a house or address). Apartment - building (大廈). Address - exact loocation of the apartment or the place you live.
7. Correct spelling is 'I had not received' - past perfect tense, used only with past tense. 'I have not received' - used with present tense.
8. Because in both case, you are referring to something or someone SPECIFIC in nature. Mr. Chan is specific enough, but dog is a general term, you need to add 'a'.
9. Preposition has to be memorized most of the time, no reason for most of them. For your question, you can make this small difference: you are talking about 'wearing', thus you expect to tell people about the clothes (T-shirt in your example), thus you say you are wearing in t-shirt. Ear-ring is not necessary with wearing, you are just providing more information to people, so you say you are wearing (in t-shirt) with (additional) ear-ring. Hope this helps.
10. 用現在式 because people are asking about a general thing (habit). Also, you are right, if you use 'he does', no need for 's' in the verb that follows.

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