Please explain what is broken hands

2007-08-24 9:19 am
Both of my hands are broken hands ( one straight line in the middle ), I am a 42, male.
Is it true that if people have broken hands will have a smoothly life ?

" broken hands " in chinese

回答 (2)

2007-08-24 6:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2007-08-25 10:37 am
断掌 - 感情线和生命线混而为一,也有“真断掌”与“假断掌”之分。

Lets start with your character:

1) responsible and headstrong, and you will always finish what you have started.
2) good leadership quality.
3) great lover, but you are so serious that you can't take any setbacks in your relationship most of the time.
4) sometimes too selfish

your career:
1) success doesn't comes easy
2)a tendacy of late success, but once you have acquired it, it will usually last significantly.

1) keep a look out on your blood pressure
2) you will suffer constipation often.

but it's never true that "broken hands" will always enjoy smooth sailing. 90% of the population in this earth has had a "commoner" life, very few can make it to be like Warren Buffet or Bill Gate, just be contented with you have and you will always be happy man. But i have to say, your probabilities are high of being successful in your career or business.

2007-08-25 02:41:43 補充:
Good Luck in whatever you do.Remember, 舍得,舍得,有舍就有得。 gain merits by sharing what you have with the less fortunate and you will be a blessed man.......

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