
2007-08-24 8:15 am
The owner puts a further amount into the business by cheque .

Q1 ) Debit & Credit are what ?
Q2 ) Does anyone can tell me what is the meaning about "puts a further" ?
i don't know the Chinese,can you tell me ??

thanks !!!

回答 (2)

2007-08-24 8:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) Debit - Bank (because it is by cheque) Credit - Capital

2) The owner puts a further amount into the business by cheque

The owner 會計來說是 boss (老闆), 擁有人的意思

puts a further amount 會計來說, 意思是原本已經有資本(本錢,資金), 但會再注資

全句是: 老闆將以支票再進注資金
參考: myself
2007-08-24 8:33 am
Dr Bank
Cr Capital

參考: me

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