If you had to choose between a pet and a girlfriend/boyfriend?

2007-08-23 9:45 pm
Which would you choose??

回答 (13)

2007-08-23 10:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
My wife.
2007-08-24 4:53 am
As much as I love my kitty, my boyfriend is considerably more useful
2007-08-24 4:51 am
A pet is much more loyal than a person! :) I would take the pet! :)

~Cindy! :)
2007-08-24 4:50 am
A pet will be there "forever" whereas a boyfriend or girlfriend will not most likely.
2007-08-24 4:50 am
you mean if i pick a bf i lose my dog? in that case my dog. id never get rid of him for any reason. i love him more then im probably ever gonna love some guy.
2007-08-24 4:49 am
definately pet...the pet isn't making you choose is it? the gf is.
2007-08-24 4:49 am
Pet. They don't talk back and they like you for you.
2007-08-24 4:49 am
that is a hard question. i guess it depends on the situation. but then again you never what will happen with a bf/gf . your dog will always be there for you.
2007-08-24 4:48 am
The Girlfriend of Course !!!
2007-08-24 4:48 am

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