do you really care if your question gets a star or not?

2007-08-23 9:14 pm
i dont ... but do you

回答 (20)

2007-08-23 9:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
No. and It's a good job because I don't get many

2007-08-24 6:31 am
Well it's a nice feeling to see that somebody has considered your question interesting.

However the point of stars is to highlight the questions so that others can see it and reply if they wish. The more stars you receive the more answerers are likely to answer you.

For instance your question has received five stars at the moment and it was one of the reasons why I saw it and I've decided to answer.
2007-08-24 6:00 am
dont, give it a thought, and dont really notice when i do,
2007-08-24 5:20 am
Not anymore, not even the points or the levels or even, wait for it! - best answers, since I am almost never on here anymore..
2007-08-24 4:51 am
no stars don't really bother me but thanks for the 2 points for this
2007-08-24 4:43 am
not really, but it's nice to see one when you get one.. or four lol
2007-08-24 4:24 am
no i don't. i don't understand all the fuss about stars and thumbs up or down. but heres a star for you anyhow.
2007-08-24 4:22 am
Not bothered either way.
2007-08-24 4:21 am
I'm happy when they get posted AND answered...the stars are a bonus!
2007-08-24 4:20 am
No not as long as I get a good answer!

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