How long are your arm hairs ??

2007-08-23 9:13 pm
and what color are they?

回答 (38)

2007-08-23 9:16 pm
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Quarter inch, maybe? very light, but not invisible...
參考: ~also flying sharks~
2007-08-23 9:18 pm
Mine vary but I do have some looong ones. Kinda weird. Their blondish in color.

Thank you for your interest in my body hair.
2007-08-23 9:18 pm
I remember one of my middle school friends had tons of long, blond-brown arm hairs, and one day he showed us a single black hair growing out of all the blond ones. It was preeeetty weird!
2007-08-23 9:18 pm
What am I suppose to get out a ruler and measure them?

2007-08-23 9:17 pm
I shave my arms, I hate body hair...but when it grows, it's a light brown...Yuck.
2007-08-23 9:25 pm
About 3/4" to 1" and blond.
2007-08-23 9:22 pm
Haven't measured them,long and dark.
2007-08-23 9:17 pm
Every colour there is and a long as the Mississipi.
2007-08-23 9:17 pm
Multicolored and 12 inches
2007-08-23 9:16 pm
They're blue and currently reaching the dizzy heights of 4.71 cm.
2017-03-02 12:17 am
the fur on my arms is different in places. They're at least four inches at the start of the forearm, but only one at the wrist. My fur is longest on the under sides of my arms, though, six inches at the elbow, three at the wrist

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