Awful woman at work who is scrounging cigarettes from me!?

2007-08-23 9:49 am
I only work one shift a week and I'm not a heavy smoker - I only smoke about 10 low tar cigarettes each day and I always go outside so they don't affect anybody else.

My horrible co-worker has started to come to me asking for a cigarette all the time. She's having about 5 each day from me and she's just so pushy! I think that she's given up at home and is just scrounging from me because she doesn't want to buy herself a packet on a regular basis.

Everybody despises her as she's arrogant, loud, snobby, boring and bossy.

What should I say to her? I have to work closely with her and I don't want to cause an argument, but I'm not giving her anymore cigarettes because I don't like being taken for a fool!

What's the best way to fob her off?

(ps - please don't have a go at me for smoking - I'm under some stress at the moment and I'm not planning on giving up until things have settled down - I know it's bad for me etc.)

回答 (18)

2007-08-23 10:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
You could tell her that you can't give her anymore because you can't afford it which, considering how expensive cigarettes are, probably is true.
Whatever reason you come up with, though, you will have to stand your ground because, if she's as pushy as you say, she's probably not going to leave without trying to get you to cave.
2007-08-23 5:07 pm
The next time she tries to scrounge a ciggie off you, you can tell her that you've switched to cigars, and happily offer her one from a pack of the foulest smelling [they are real cheap too] stogies you could find.
[Since you do not smoke at work, she cannot also catch that you are fibbing !]
...The first time, she might try to show-off by accepting one, and lighting it up right there.
I can assure you that there will NOT be a second time.
Best of Luck, dear.
2007-08-23 7:25 pm
Just ask her for a cigarette before she has a chance to ask you and do this every time you get ready for a smoke break. I'll bet you won't see too much of her at break time after you hit HER up a few times.
2007-08-24 12:48 pm
Just say sorry I only have enough with me to get me through the rest of the day. Or figure out the cost one one cigarette and charge her.
參考: I did this to a guy at work, he finally quit asking, when he ran out of quarters.
2007-08-24 3:30 am
ohhh i know ur pain :( when i smoked there was this kid who always used to bum from me and my room mate..he would see us walk past his room to get to the door and he would always come out and ask for one so we started bringing 1 cigarette per smoke break out or we'd hide extras in our pockets and say we didnt have anymore. then he began to ask for hauls off the ones we were smoking and so we would do the most dramatic nastiest cough we could force just so he would stay away...u can just tell her that u are trying to cut back and u dont bring them to work anymore..then when u do go smoke go for a walk where she wont follow u (going to get a coffee or snack usually does the trick...smoke 1 on the way there and 1 on the way back) or buy really nasty cigarettes (the cheapest ones u can find..unfiltered of course) and when she bums from u give her those ones..i guarantee she will be off ur back in no time
2007-08-24 2:04 am
Georgia grits is right-this works on the moochers. I used carry a pack of non-filtered Camel shorts and nobody would bum them. Or, get some super cheap generic menthols-something that tastes like Pine-Sol disinfectant. Good luck.
2007-08-23 10:15 pm
Sorry if I'm ignorant but I don't know what "fob" in this case means.
I roll my own and when somebody trys to bum, I simlpy hand them the pouch with a paper.
2007-08-23 9:49 pm
is there a brand of ciggy that she won't smoke? when i was in college, i bought a pack of hideous cigarettes that no one else would smoke ... dumped the cigs, then refilled the box with the Marlboro lights that i loved. so at parties, when someone would want to bum, i'd flash the pack and say, "sure! i smoke Misty menthol light super longs, here ya go ..." you should have seen them run!
2007-08-23 5:14 pm
Obviously griping her about smoking is not going to work, as she is probably all to familiar with hazards associated with smoking. Explain to her that smoking is something very personal, and since you don't worry her about her smoking habit she shouldn't worry you about yours. Let both your smoking habits be independent of work, and as much as possible only talk about smoking during smoke breaks. Put simply, tell her she can't have your cigarettes, but don't include anything related to work. Hope it helps. :-)
2007-08-23 5:08 pm
is the problem that she is awful, that she is bumming a LOT of cigarettes, or that you don't want to share your cigarettes with
an awful person?

I have seen this behavior before - from people who were trying to not smoke, but just could not get through the day. So let us assume that is her problem, rather than assuming she is cheap.

How about getting just one pack of herbal cigarettes - no, not that herb- the legal kind that are made of things like cinnamon, etc.

When she asks for a cigarette, offer one of these. She might take one ( maybe not) but i doubt she will come back for another. Keep the pack around for at leas a month.

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