FCE, ISLTS and GCSE english

2007-08-24 7:29 am
can you place the 3 things about in order from best to worst as in how much it is accepted internationally?? PLZ!!!

回答 (1)

2007-08-24 7:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
3 different things!
Anyway i hv tried these 3 exams already ;)
so if u got anymore questions u can ask me if u want.

although fce and ielts are both come from uni of cambridge
but ielts can juz last for 2 years, fce lasts forever ga !
and my tutor said if u pass fce it means u can get at least 5.5 in ielts
gcse english is actually for british ..
so .. they cannot campare with each other.
Btw if u wanna have them in order from best to worst

GCSE eng - FCE - ielts

2007-08-23 23:41:55 補充:
Ielts and GCSE eng are more accepted by international company than Fce cos theres not much ppl know about fce or hvnt ever heard bout it b4 !
參考: myself ; )

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