mathematic induction

2007-08-24 6:42 am

how to prove by mathematic induction?

can you show me how to form 1 to 2? 1.=k/(6k+4)+1/(3k+2)(3k+5) to 2.=(k(3k+5)+2)/2(3k+2)(3k+5)

回答 (2)

2007-08-24 6:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
First,assume that n is any +ve intergers

Let P(n) be the proposition.

For P(1),L.H.S.=1/10 R.H.S.=1/(6+4)=1/10
so P(1) is true

assume that P(k) is true for all +ve intergers,

For P(k+1),1/(2*5)+1/(5*8)+...............+1/(3k-1)(3k+2)+1/(3k+2)(3k+5)

so when P(k) is true,P(k+1) is also true

so P(n) is true for all +ve intergers,
參考: me
2007-08-24 11:04 pm
Let P(n)be 1/(2*5)+1/(5*8)+...............+1/(3n-1)(3n+2)=n/(6n+4) is true for all natural nos. n
When n=1
∴P(1)is true
Assume that P(k)is true, where k is a natural no.
ie. 1/(2*5)+1/(5*8)+...............+1/(3k-1)(3k+2)=k/(6k+4) is true, where k is a natural no.
For n=k+1
∴P(k+1)is true
By the principle of M.I., P(n)is true for all natural nos. n

2007-08-24 15:05:13 補充:
最好將D steps寫落張紙到會易睇好多~~

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