
2007-08-24 2:25 am

回答 (2)

2007-08-25 12:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
Let me respond to your question directly.

1. 口啤
Both of them are famous. Alliance has more homework and Heep Yunn is less packed in curriculum and more fun:)

2. 成績
Kindergartens don't have public exam to reference. It's not very valid to look at 成績 when the kids are so young.

3. 一條龍
Both of them are NOT 一條龍. Don't be misled by primary schools with the same school name. Heep Yunn primary school is government funded and they must follow the published admission process. Basically, only very minor preference (if not none) on their own kindergarten student. For Alliance, I even heard that they have preference not to admit their own KT kids...but not sure whether it's rumour.

Why not consider Pui Chung or Mung Sang?
參考: My own daughter accepted by Heep Yunn kindergarten
2007-08-25 12:26 am
宣幼升宣小的機會約 50% (當然是睇成績).
小學無直屬或者連繫中學, 但 Band1 率達 80%. 不過, 要維持高 Band 1 率, 平時學習的壓力也相對大好多, 而且, 最後的目標是什麼? 無非都是為了入到一間協恩之類的好學校.

讀協幼並不保證可以上到協恩小學, 唯一著數係叩門階段的收生額只保留給協幼生, 近兩年約有 1/5 的協幼生可經此途徑升上小學, (協幼只收兩班, 共 60 名學生).
協小有直屬中學, 近幾年, 可升上其直屬中學的學生超過9成. 由於有直屬中學, 學習上相對的壓力一定細過無直屬中學的小學.

提醒你, 兩間都超多人考, 不易入到.

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