
2007-08-23 11:18 pm
A: 你好,專業旅運,我係Cyrena,有咩可以幫到你?
B: 我老闆會係29/8去韓國傾生意,我想幫佢透過你地公司BOOK酒店同航班
A: 請問佢會逗留幾多日呢?同埋29/8要幾點到達韓國?
B: 果日佢1:00pm有個會議,最好11點前要到達機場.佢會逗番3日先回港
A: 等我幫你CHECK下先, 果日29/8早上6:15am會有一班機會由香港出發,會係港龍公司既,回程就會係31/8既晚上7:30pm.另外,有冇話選擇邊種客機?
A: 冇問題!咁酒店方面有冇指定邊一間?
A: ABC HOTEL就近市中心,韓國大部份酒店房間都冇得上網,但ABC HOTEL的COFFEE SHOP有得免費上網,十分方便!
B: 咁酒店同航機果度TOTAL幾多$
A: 整個PACKAGE TOTAL $3999,已加埋機場稅同燃油附加費
B: 咁我而家幫佢BOOK要比D咩資料你?

回答 (2)

2007-08-24 2:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
A: 你好,專業旅運,我係Cyrena,有咩可以幫到你?
Hello. ("Professional Travel Agency"), Cyrena speaking. May I help you?

B: 我老闆會係29/8去韓國傾生意,我想幫佢透過你地公司BOOK酒店同航班
My boss will go to Korea for business trip on 29-Aug. I would like to make reseverations of hotel room & flight ticket for him.

A: 請問佢會逗留幾多日呢?同埋29/8要幾點到達韓國?
Would you tell me how many days he will stay and the time of arrival at Korea on 29-Aug?

B: 果日佢1:00pm有個會議,最好11點前要到達機場.佢會逗番3日先回港
He's going to have a meeting at 1:00pm that day. It would be better for him to arrive at airport before 11am. He will stay for 3 days & then go back to HK

A: 等我幫你CHECK下先, 果日29/8早上6:15am會有一班機會由香港出發,會係港龍公司既,回程就會係31/8既晚上7:30pm.另外,有冇話選擇邊種客機?
Let me check. There will be a flight departing at 6:15am on that day, 29-Aug. And the airline is "Kong Long"

Economy class. My boss is vegetarian. Would you help arrange/request?

A: 冇問題!咁酒店方面有冇指定邊一間?
No problem. Is there any specific hotel requested?

Closed to city center will be better. Is internet line available in hotel room?

A: ABC HOTEL就近市中心,韓國大部份酒店房間都冇得上網,但ABC HOTEL的COFFEE SHOP有得免費上網,十分方便!
ABC hotel is closed to the city center. Most hotel rooms in Korea don't have access to internet. However, coffee shop in ABC hotel provides free internet access. It's very convenient.

B: 咁酒店同航機果度TOTAL幾多$
So, what's the total amount for both hotel rooms & flight ticket?

A: 整個PACKAGE TOTAL $3999,已加埋機場稅同燃油附加費
The package price will be $3999, including the airport tax and air fuel surcharge.

B: 咁我而家幫佢BOOK要比D咩資料你?
If I make the booking now, what information do I need to provide?

A: 佢既英文全名同用咩護照?
His full name in English & the passort he will use

B: 佢叫CHAN TAI MAN, 佢用特區護照.
His name is CHAN TAI MAN. He will use HKSAR passort.

A: 咁請問會用咩方法付款?
What payment method will be used?

B? 支票,請問抬頭人點寫?
Cheque. Would you tell me the name of payee?

TRAVEL EXPERT. Either Chinese or English is ok.

B: 咁幾時先有得拎機票?
So when can I get the flight ticket?

A: 大概五天,會有同事通知你黎拎支票,請問你叫咩名?
About 5 days. Our colleague will inform you to take the cheque. Would you tell me your name?


A: 請留一個電話NO.
Pls leave a telephone contact no.

B: 27276060

So, we will inform you to pick up the flight ticket when it is available. Thank you for choosing our service.
參考: 自己
2007-08-23 11:22 pm

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