
2007-08-23 11:17 pm
我中學冇讀過econ ..~上左大學要讀microeconomics ,因為唔知咩來驚會好難, 有冇d 咩好書可以幫我惡補下~

回答 (2)

2007-08-24 12:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
唔駛慌張, 我之前的處境同你一樣, 中學係理科仔, 入大學工商管理要讀番microeconomics.
其實一點都不難, 你去學校"拉記", 搵相同名稱的書, 一看就會明白, 加埋上堂留心聽書, 唔明即刻問, 就唔會出現"校園經濟學奪命事件"勒~~!
1) Supply and demand curves
2) Close economy (autarky) and open economy (free trade)
3) Elasticity on price and demand (curve analysis)
4) Price discrimination
5) Impact on product substitution
6) Imperfect and Perfect competition in market
7) Cost and Revenue (Marginal approach)

2007-08-23 16:37:11 補充:
在下城大工商管理學士, 現在城大工商管理研究生.
2007-08-23 11:30 pm
Your case is exactly the same with me, I studied Science in secondary but took Economics in HKU. You can buy a book - PRICE THEORY AND APPLICATIONS (Sorry I forget the name of author) which covers microeconomics topics which are easy to understand with good examples to illustrate the economic principles.

Hei, give you some advices to strengthen your confidence, don't be afraid as schoolmates around you in university all have studied economics. You just pay attention in class and ask questions with your friends/students who also did not studied economics before, you can catch up quickly!

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