2007-08-23 11:07 pm
I have a computer (model: Acer Veriton 3300, 1.5 GHz and 256K cache ) using intel 845 chipset. There is one 128 MB SDRAM on motherboard now. Can I add another 128/256 SDRAM of different brand because I got one from my friend? Will the speed only increase a little bit?

回答 (1)

2007-08-23 11:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
that sure you can plug in one or more ram to your computer if your computer still have free ram slog that they are both SDRAM

what is your running OS? window 2k? window xp??
if you are running on XP
i trust that you plug one or more ram must increase your computer abilities
because 128M ram is totally cannot satisfy window XP require

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