Maths Question 要列明步驟 =]

2007-08-23 10:17 pm
1. Estimate the value of the numberical expression 308.8 - 5.9513 / 0.02038 by first rounding off each number to 1 sig. fig.

2. Give a four-digit odd number which is greater than 9000 and is divisible by 13. When rounded off to 3 sig.fig., it is divisible by 4. When rounded off to 2 sig. fig., it is divisible by 11. Find the number.

要列明步驟 =] THX.. =)

回答 (1)

2007-08-23 10:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
After rounding off each number to 1 sig.fig.

參考: 自己學過,大家用同一本暑期作業

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