
2007-08-23 9:02 pm

回答 (10)

2007-08-23 9:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
[email protected]
2007-08-25 9:17 pm
Hi, I am very interested to sell my product in Canada, contact me [email protected]

2007-08-27 13:16:34 補充:
GPS product include Navigator, BT GPS receiver. GSM GPS tracker, GSM GPS watch etc....

2007-08-27 13:17:44 補充:
GPS product include Navigator, BT GPS receiver. GSM GPS tracker, GSM GPS watch etc....
2007-08-25 4:09 am
my email address is [email protected] or [email protected] tak: (852)24572694 mobile phone is (852)97166193 my name is alice siu蕭少卿
Dear Sirs,
你好, can I type in English , I can speak 廣柬話,英語,普通話, I was born in hk, I am a hk citizen, thanks you for allow me to take this chance to write this letter to you that I am an painter (晝師) I am specialized in hand paint oil paintings of commercial subjects, also Individual Oil Portraits from customers' patterns, also hand paint oil paintings according customers' patterns of any subjects, I have more than 30 years working experience in this field, I have produce many thousands paintings during past years, I have also some clients in overseas countries(mostly Europe) , but I really wish to sell my works to CANADA and USA....any other countries.if you can 本人在加拿大溫哥華,如果你有貨我可為你在這裡開鋪拓展你的業務,有興趣合作請留下E-MAIL help me, would you please let me know how many discount I should give you, or, let me know your plan, I can make over l00,000 paintings per month, we prove finest works at surprise low cost, if you are interest with something others, wouldyou also please let me know, or, please let me know your email address or yahoo messenger or skype for we can talk in computor, remember my email address is [email protected]. or [email protected] , thanks you very much wish you all best, Alice Siu
2007-08-25 2:52 am
I have some products that might be good to sell in oversea.

[email protected]
2007-08-25 12:19 am
如果你係一個願意接受真相既朋友, 應該留意到保健產品既個市場,
我地以經有27年歷史 , 美國 NYSE 上市公司, 上年業績達30億美金,
業務遍佈全球65國家. 世界第一身心健康公司!

相信我地有好大既合作空間 & 發展市場 ~
誠邀有意發展 港, 澳 & 中國市場 人仕加盟!

聯絡方法E-mail: [email protected]
2007-08-24 6:04 pm
2007-08-24 9:43 am
2007-08-24 6:24 am
可以聯絡有關服裝/ YOGA / 運動服裝 及內衣褲

[email protected]
2007-08-24 12:01 am

請你send 我電郵 : [email protected]
( 這不是w 而是細v v ) 謝!
2007-08-23 9:35 pm
請你send 我電郵 :
[email protected]


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