i feels unhappy, where can i talk to

2007-08-23 7:31 pm
Please anyone can tell me where can i talk ? i feels so unhappy, anyone can help me, I'm a male 42, have wife and a 2.5 years old son, i am having problems with my business,

Any good heart people would like to talk with me, please add ( [email protected] ),


Thanks, Lok

回答 (1)

2007-08-23 7:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
社會福利署熱線:2343 2255
醫院管理局24小時精神科熱線:2466 7350
香港心理衞生會熱線:2772 0047
香港撒瑪利亞防止自殺會24小時熱線:2389 2222
生命熱線(24小時熱線):2382 0000


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