Toshiba SDHC 是否支援 vista 的 readyboost﹖

2007-08-23 10:01 am
如題。我想買一張 SDHC,順便做埋 readyboost。


回答 (2)

2007-08-23 11:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
sdhc有分class 4同class 6, 一般class 6先可以真正發揮到readyboost, 因為class4速度太慢, 你買既時候要睇清楚!! 不論class 4, class6或者舊式卡, 都可以做readyboost, 不過慢卡會無效果, 而且如果你系用sd card做readyboost要連埋cardreader一齊用, 唔系甘方便, 不如買一支4gb 手指會好d.我都系甘用嫁~

2007-08-29 19:04:19 補充:
另外最後補充一句, 自己感覺, 我系用4gb手指加速, 仲系top speed手指, 不過表現出來既效能無想像中最好, 系會feel到快左, 不過系非常少, 如果真系想快, cpu, ram同hdd先系真正影響因素, 特別系hdd, 換個sata II HDD同加RAM你會覺得快好多!!
參考: 自己有用過
2007-08-27 5:10 pm
Ref to your question, the answer is yes. However, the outcome is much depend upon your current RAM configuration & hard disk access time. If you already got 2G RAM and the access time of your hard disk is less than 8 ms, the improvement is not so signifant.

You don't need to worry about the performance issue.

According to Microsoft's remark, when a removable memory device such as a USB flash drive or a secure digital (SD) memory card is first inserted into a port, Windows Vista checks to see if its performance is fast enough to work with Windows ReadyBoost. If so, you are asked if you want to use this device to speed up system performance. You can choose to allocate part of a USB drive's memory to speed up performance and use the remainder to store files.

2007-08-30 09:40:55 補充:
HD is much faster than flash memory for sequential reads, so ReadyBoost won’t use flash drive unless it needs to read non-sequentially. Thus, for streaming a video or loading a large game file, then ReadyBoost gets out of the way.

2007-08-30 09:41:26 補充:
ReadyBoost is best for loading of DLL or OCX file or small amount of data.

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