
2007-08-23 8:34 am
好 多 人 都 話 ,, 要 環 保 既 話 第 1 就 要 用 小 d 膠 袋
而 d 人 就 實 行 左 比 膠 袋 稅
但 係 我 想 問 !
1.)比 左 膠 袋 稅 就 等 如 可 以 環 保 ?!

回答 (2)

2007-08-23 9:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
2007-08-23 9:03 am
I don't think so. i think people maybe want to give the plastic bag tax, and do not think anythings when they pay the tax. it means that the tax maybe cannot help for recycling and the earth. The goverment should use another method to make the people use less plastic or even not use them. I think goverment can set up law to stop the shops to give any plastic bags to the consumers.
參考: By SamLo(Me)

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