
2007-08-23 8:26 am
請問荷蘭有d乜係唔比帶入境/出境? 例如乾榣柱等
我要去探朋友但又唔知有咩唔比帶? 請幫忙.

回答 (2)

2007-08-23 11:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
should be NO, due to the whole EU is follow the same rules, so just followed the UK info is ok. Really the world is much smaller today, those stuff also on sale in Holland too, you can bring them some newspaper, some time is better than food.
參考: self, I travel alot =)
2007-08-24 12:07 am
我試過冇俾人查到, 但我d親戚話帶乾榣柱入境, 俾人查到要逐粒打税, 其實你最好問你朋友, 佢最清楚

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