
2007-08-23 7:13 am
由於我們是一間小型公司,如果要買一部新的彩色影印機,對於本公司有小許負担. 所以希望此次之維修,再重新清楚地檢查一次後再報價,而衡量是否需要新購一部新彩色影印機.

回答 (2)

2007-08-23 7:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
Since we are a small company, it would be a little bit costly for us to purchase a brand new colour copier; therefore, with this maintenance schedule we wish you can check it over again and provide us with your quotation as well as assessment, whether we really need a new colour copier or not.
參考: 成日幫人翻譯的人
2007-08-23 8:26 pm
As we are just a small company, it will be a bit too costly for us to buy a new colour photocopier. Hence, I would like to invite you to check our current copier very carefully this time and make us a detailed quote for reparation. We can then make a well-infomred choice on whether a new colour photocopier is required.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 13:04:35
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