CE and AL result

2007-08-23 7:10 am
係咪出尼搵野做果時, 有AL ge result都 ok, d 人就會唔太理你ge CE result?

回答 (2)

2007-08-23 7:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果你有AL既result , 就大多數公司都會睇你AL既result
無先睇你既CE result , 不過有部份既公司可能會係咁意睇下CE result做個參考 ~

聽你個口吻應該係CE唔太好 ?
如果CE唔太好而AL ok , 就證明左你唔單止勤力 , 仲算聰明
因為CE勤力成績唔會太差 , 但AL , 勤力無咁大比重
參考: 自己經驗
2007-08-23 7:26 am
You are almost right.
At normal case, if your AL result is good enough, most of them won't care about what result you got in CE.
Sometimes, however, if you CE's chinese or english's level is to low ( it is talking about 1~2 ) , they might not give chance to you.
So, as I always mentioned about, lang's result affect your life very greatly.
Don't let yourself being bound by the nightmare of language!!!!!!!
Hope my answer could help you !!!!
參考: myself

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