The problem of 'End'

2007-08-23 7:06 am
What is the difference between 'at the end' and 'in the end'?

回答 (1)

2007-08-23 7:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
In the end = finally, after a long time:
In the end, I got a visa for Russia.
At the end = at the point where something stops:
I think the film’s a bit weak at the end.

At the end及In the end的意思差不多──在最後、在最終等。
At the end:英文句子結構是——at the end + 時間或某些情況,如:
a) at the end of the month 在月底
b) at the end of January 在一月底
c) at the end of the match 在比賽的最終
d) at the end of the film 在劇終
e) at the end of the course 在課程的最後
例句(1):I am going away at the end of February.
例句(2):At the end of the concert,there was great applause.
例句(3):All the participants shook hands at the end of the seminar.
我們不能說in the end of something, 如 in the end of January 或 in the end of the concert.
At the end的反義詞是at the beginning

In the end:當我們看到一件情況的最后結果。
Our old car had a lot of problems. In the end,we sold it and bought another car.
例句5:He got angrier and angrier. In the end,he just walked out of the room.
例句6:Jim couldn’t decide where to go for his holidays. He didn’t go anywhere in the end.
Jim 不能決定要去哪兒度假,到最後哪裡都沒去。
In the end的同義詞是finally, 因此我們可以把in the end直接替換成finally。
In the end的反義詞是at first
參考資料: grammar/archive/prepositions01.html

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