
2007-08-23 6:59 am

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2007-08-23 9:15 pm
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2007-08-23 9:54 pm











2007-08-23 7:58 am
[edit] Sunny Kingdom (おひさまの国 Ohisama no Kuni)
Fine (ファイン) - Fine is one of the Twin princesses of Ohisama no Kuni. She has red eyes and hair. She is also referred to as "the most unprincess-like princesses in history of Fushigi-boshi". Fine is often afraid of things and whines frequently. Because Fine is a glutton with her main appetite as sweets, she will eat any delicious cake she sees. She is also fairly athletic, but isn't that much good at dancing like Rein. Nevertheless, she is very friendly and kind, and cares very much about the people she loves. She attracted Prince Shade to her.
Rein (レイン) - Rein is the other Twin princess of Ohisama no Kuni. Unlike Fine, she has blue eyes and hair. Although she is also referred to as "the most unprincess-like princesses in history of Fushigi-boshi", she is a complete opposite of Fine. She likes to dress up and wear very elaborate decorations. However, she can get very crazy when it comes to daydreaming about romance. She is still very nice and eccentric as her sister and is pretty adventurous, unlike the cowering Fine. She attracted Bright to her.
Princess Grace (プリンセス・グレイス) - She was the legendary princess who saved Fushigi-boshi in ancient days. Although she died for a long time, she appears inside the core of the sun's blessing in an astral body before Fine and Rein to entrust in them a mission to save the planet.
Poomo (プーモ) - Poomo is a fairy-like follower given to the twins from Princess Grace. He has a supernatural ability called Telepoomotion that will transport Fine and Rein to places. However, Fine and Rein use him as their maid to do their tasks. He usually ends his sentences with "-pumo".
Camelot (キャメロット) - Camelot is Fine and Rein's maid. Although she is very bossy during the beginning of the series, she actually has care and shows her enthusiasm for Fine and Rein.
Lulu (ルル)- Lulu is Camelot's trainee. She gives suggestions to Camelot in some cases. She also takes comprehensive notes of Camelot's work.
Elza (CDB: Elsa) (エルザ) - Elsa is the queen of the Sunny Kingdom. She cares for Fine and Rein and knows better ways of taking care of them than Camelot.
Toulouse (CDB: Truth) (トゥルース) - Toulouse is the king of the Sunny Kingdom.
Omendo (オメンド) - Omendo is the laboratory scientist at the Sun Kingdom. He analyzes all of the climate data processed by the weather stations.
Tabi and Jill - These are some of the workers for the weather station.
Moon Kingdom (月の国 Tsuki no Kuni)
Milky (ミルキー) - Milky is the princess of the Moon Kingdom. She is a toddler and travels around places in her floating star. She has trouble communicating to many people with her "babu babu" babbling, but people like Shade and Fine can understand what she means.
Shade (シェイド) - Shade is the prince of the Moon Kingdom. Although he appears as Eclipse during the beginning of the series, he is identified by the same whip attacks as Eclipse. He seems to have a liking to Rein. He also seems interested in the power of Providence.
Regina - Regina is Shade's dinosaur.
Moon Maria (CDB: Moon Malia) (ムーンマリア) - Moon Maria is the queen of the Moon Kingdom. Her mood and health is measured by the aurora waves floating in the sky. Shade really cares for her.
Chuuba (チューバ) - Chuuba is a very accurate fortune teller. She needs maids for her home.

2007-08-23 00:00:30 補充:
others in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fushigiboshi_no_Futagohime#Main_characters

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