a university degree定an university degree??

2007-08-23 6:39 am

因為我見係MS Word打an university degree佢會幫我轉做a university degree, 但a/e/i/o/u既字前唔係應該an既咩??

如真係a university degree,可唔可以再講出一d好似依個咁特別既情況我知?

回答 (4)

2007-08-23 7:28 pm
Should be "A" university degree... because the "a" is for the degree not the university...
another example like:
A ugry picture
參考: myself
2007-08-23 6:48 pm
應該係 a university degree,

雖然 a/e/i/o/u 既字前應該加an既 (e.g. an Umbrella) 但係'U' 好特別, 正係在 pronounce 成
umbrella 個 'UM' 個音 前面先至要加 'an',

如果 pronounce 成 university 個 'U' 音就唔使,

e.g. a university, a uniform
參考: myself
2007-08-23 7:20 am
To my knowledge, usually when a noun starts from a/e/i/o/u, we need to use [an] before it.
However, if the noun pronounces the same as the vowel, we need to use [a] instead of [an], e.g., a union, a university.

It seems that it usually happens to nouns starting with a [u].
2007-08-23 7:01 am
吾系an, 系a
參考: me

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