
2007-08-23 6:18 am
1) Convert the following hexadecimal no. into decimal no.

2) Convert the following decimal no. into (i)binary no. (ii) hexadecimal no.
(a) 28 (b)257

回答 (1)

2007-08-23 6:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
1(a) 10*16+7 = 167
(b) 12*16^2+13*16+14=3294

2(a) (i) 28 = 1*16+1*8+1*4 = 1*2^4+1*2^3+1*2^2 = 11100
(ii) 28 = 1*16 + 12 = 1C

(b)(i) 257 = 1*256+1 = 1*2^8+1 = 100000001
(ii) 257 = 1*16^2 + 1 = 101
參考: me

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