
2007-08-23 6:10 am
Why you go to tutorial class?(點解你要補習?)

好多謝你!but唔似中一D文!can you作差D?

回答 (2)

2007-08-23 9:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
第一段:什麼原因你考慮補習 What is the reason why you consider to have tutorial class?
1.考試不合格 (failed in the school examination)
2.知道自己程度未達指標 (The result is under average)
3.想努力學好D功課 (I want to work hard to reach the level)
第二段:在補習社學習的感覺 (What do you feel in the tutorial class?)
1.每個學生都好勤力 (All the students in the class are hard-working)
2.老師有愛心和耐性 (The teacher is full of love and patient)
第三段:你的感想 (What do you feel?)
1.珍惜光陰 (Time is precious)
2.如果平時勤力D,暑假可以多D時間玩 (If I can work hard, I can enjoy my summer holidays happily.)
3.我會設計一個好的時間表,令自己有預算 (I'll plan a time table to arrange the time well.)
2007-08-23 6:40 am
why you go to tutorial class?

i would like to go to tutorial class because i want to learning more about the different sillks of examination and i want to study when i am not at school.
the tutorial class will give me some supplymentry exercises. although i have some homework from school but i think i should do more exercises to study more.
moreover the tuotrial class will teach us how to try our best in the examination, it will guess what type of questions will appear in the examination so we can study more about that type of questions.
student can't stay at school for so long, so i can go to the tutorial class after school. i know i can study at home but i think i can study more efficiency with the tutorial teacher. i can't ask my parents at home if i have some problem about the homework because thy don't know either. so if i am not at school i can go to the tutorial class.
although there are some benifit about the tutorial class but i think school is more inportant. the toturial clas is just to assist us on the study. so i think we can't just go to the tutorial class.
there may have some gramma mistakes.
hope can help you.
參考: me

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